
ANDROMEDAE  is a Cloud Based Conference Recommendations Repository,
a program of the American Research Foundation, an academic publishing company
with a mission to promote academic and scientific knowledge through online
open access publishing of valuable academic contributions.

As a leader in academic open access publishing, we have an interest in publishing recommendations of established and promising new conferences. We cover all
areas of academic research and provide state of the arts open access publishing plans.

With ANDROMEDAE Standard Listing, conference organizers shall have their
conference recommendations and conclusions indexed and listed with major
search engines, assigned a DOI number by Crossref for future online referencing
and linking. ANDROMEDAE Premium Listing assigns a unique ISBN number to conference recommendations and offer a short URL, online statistics, and a
QR Code for social and mobile sharing.

Please visit our Publications Plans page to learn more about our services and fees.

ANDROMEDAE provides a dedicated service, with very low cost to the conference organizer that ranges between $250 USD to $450 USD per published conference recommendation. Our platform is online and is open access to be reached by
scholars, academicians and investors from anywhere.


American Research Foundation | ANDROMEDAE

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